Life After Forty, Random Ramblings, Weight Loss

Namaste Supergirl!

This morning I did yoga with Adriene Mishler, the voice of several characters in the DC Universe Online including Lois Lane, Supergirl, Powergirl, and Raven. I should probably clarify that Ms. Mishler was on a YouTube video on my tablet and I was in my pajamas in my living room, but how cool is it that we live in a world where we HAVE the option of doing yoga with the voice of Supergirl! Pretty Awesome!!!!

I knew I was carrying a lot of tension in my shoulders and this video seemed to work wonders. Adriene Mishler is a great motivator and I needed a true beginner workout. This video was perfect!

So, I’m still working off of my list, The List of MORE. I’ve decided that I should be keeping an eye on my blood pressure, in addition to everything else, as part of “Self-Care.” I don’t usually think about my heart, but it’s an extraordinary part of me. The thing is, we can’t see our hearts, so they tend to become neglected until something goes wrong and we must notice. A heart isn’t like a foot. You can’t get corrective shoes or insoles. You can’t soak a heart in Epsom salts. But I can practice yoga in my living room. I can do activities that will bring oxygen to my blood and heart. I can eat food that will nourish my heart. I can show kindness to my heart by listening to what it has to say.

Today my heart told me that my blood pressure has gone up to 123/90. It’s not terrible, but it’s higher than it should be. My heart is working harder than it has in the past just sitting at rest. I suppose that means I haven’t been very kind to my heart, especially in the last couple of years. I’ve neglected to give it the tools it needs so my heart and I can have a good life together. But Kindness is on my list—and that’s linked with forgiveness. It doesn’t do my heart any good to wallow or feel bad about the weight I have gained. My heart doesn’t want a pity party. It wants me to take care of my body. The whole package.

Have a wonderful day!

xo Juli

5 thoughts on “Namaste Supergirl!”

  1. I had no idea she was an accomplished voice actor. There’s my something new learned today (so far).

    I tried to follow her 30 Days of Yoga videos and found it taxed my abilities to the point of discouragement. Have you tried any of her other videos? Had you practiced yoga at all before? I still enjoy yoga and much prefer to follow a video in the comfort of my living room versus going to a studio. Kudos to you and continued success with the self-care :-).


    1. I’ve done yoga with my Wii, bought some DVDs, and followed a few instructors on YouTube.

      My thought is this: I need More Movement. Period. I don’t know if I have the attention span to follow any one person consistently for 30 days or whatever, but I know I can play with different types of healthy movement consistently. 😀 In the past, I kept looking for the “right” kind of movement. It’s like I had this weird notion that I could only have one or two types of exercise in my arsenal, and if that didn’t work with that day’s plan, I felt like a failure and didn’t exercise at all. But now, I’m thinking long-term and one or two exercise gurus just won’t work for me, not long-term. I’ve been thinking about this and right now, I think it’s far more practical to play with Movement. (Quite frankly, I also decided I don’t like the word “exercise” either because it feels like WORK. UGH!!!) I decided I’m going to play, to play with movement. So, I might play with Just Dance on the Wii one day, play with Yoga poses on another day, and perhaps play bike riding tomorrow—whatever gets me moving and is kind to my body.

      I’m certainly NOT an expert on any of this, but when I sat down with my family and figured out our own list of what we wanted to change, what we wanted MORE of, it resonated with me in a way no self-help book has. It feels right. I suppose my hubby and I will also be the guinea pigs, so we shall see how this goes! LOL

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