Random Ramblings

Curses, Comic Sans Font! (An Increase in Word Count Hack)

Have you seen this post floating around the Internet? This Comic Sans font post has gotten a visceral, knee-jerk reaction with writerly folks, both for and against its use. Change your font to Comic Sans and supposedly you'll "magically" increase your word count. I think most writers are perfectionists at heart, hence the strong reactions… Continue reading Curses, Comic Sans Font! (An Increase in Word Count Hack)

NaNoWriMo, Writing

My #NaNoWriMo math sucks!

Most of you reading this have probably heard me whine about NaNo before, but I’ve had some new followers since last year (Thank You!) so I’ll go ahead and explain NaNoWriMo to you. Basically, NaNoWriMo is one of the answers out there for anyone who’s ever dreamed of writing a novel.  This is a chance… Continue reading My #NaNoWriMo math sucks!