Death, Dreams

My Grandma-nor decided to visit me last night in my dreams.

I woke up early from a strange dream last night.  I had a visit from my dead grandmother, my Grandma-nor.  I was dreaming of something else at first, but then the dream seemed to take a bad turn, and that’s when I found myself back in my own bed.  I think my grandmother sent me… Continue reading My Grandma-nor decided to visit me last night in my dreams.

It's Another Vacation!, Life, Michigan

Life updates: 20 year class reunion

I made it!  Twenty years ago, I graduated from high school.  It certainly doesn't feel like it's been that long.  Hubby and I graduated the same year, though we were NOT high school sweethearts.  In my heart and mind, I'm still twenty-five.  The calendar tells a different story.  😉 Need to get some rest.  I'm… Continue reading Life updates: 20 year class reunion

Gardening, It's Another Vacation!, Michigan, Michigan, Photos of Leslie

Rainy day pics: Leslie, Michigan

Took these pics yesterday.  The first few were taken in my yard, the others while I was out and about.  I don't usually have an excuse to venture out into the middle of the state, lots of farms, and I'd never passed through the town of Leslie, Michigan before.  Out came the camera!  Hubby is… Continue reading Rainy day pics: Leslie, Michigan