Row 80

#ROW80 1-15-12 Check In

ROW 80 is a friendly group that’s there to help writers focus on their writing goals.  Each writer decides what they would like to accomplish in the next 80 days.  We check in on Sundays and Wednesdays with their ” linky tool” and are welcome to adjust our goals as we need to.  If you’re late getting started, that’s OK.  Round 1 lasts from January 2, 2012 through March 22, 2012.

Wednesday:  Too tired to write.  Did a little blog reading instead.

Thursday:  1152 new words on my WIP.  Did some reading.

Friday:  Got my Six Sentence Sunday post scheduled.  I almost forgot!  578 new words written on my WIP.  Chapter 24 is finished.

Saturday:  Did some reading.

Goal for the week: 5,000 words.

Words written on my WIP this week:  2,926words

I still haven’t reached my weekly word count goal, but I came a LOT closer to it, so I’m happy.  🙂

Have a great day!


10 thoughts on “#ROW80 1-15-12 Check In”

  1. You may not have reached your weekly goal, but you’re getting there. It takes time to get into the routine. And, if at some point, you feel your goal is too high, you can lower it. That’s what ROW80 is about…reasonable goals.


    1. I’ve thought about lowering my goal, but I’m not quite ready for that just yet. We’ll see how this week goes. I want to have something to strive for. I want to push myself a bit. Thanks for the encouragement! 🙂


  2. as long as you’re happy. I worked on JK Rowlilng paper mostly and sent out pieces for critique. Be careful or I’ll put you on the list. 😀


  3. Juli, it sounds like you’re keeping to a pace that is more comfortable and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you burn yourself out, you won’t be able to write at all. I like your way better. 🙂


    1. I’m upping my word count a little each week. Eventually, I think I’ll be up to my goal. I don’t feel frustrated, at least not yet. It has been enlightening. It’s like a diary of just how much writing I’m getting done. For good or bad, I’m logging it in for everyone to see. It’s been very motivating. Thanks for stopping by! 🙂


    1. Thanks Jo! I’m trying to fall into a routine…new year…blah, blah, blah! 🙂 Hopefully, good habits set in before something shiny comes along and grabs my attention! Squirrel!!!! LOL


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