Mental Health, Parenting, Random Ramblings

Temple Grandin: The Movie and The TED Talk

Yesterday, I reviewed Dr. Temple Grandin‘s latest book: Calling All Minds: How To Think and Create Like an Inventor. (Fabulous book, by the way. It would make a great gift for any kid under 12.)

Temple Grandin HBO

In my book review, I mentioned there was a movie that came out back in 2010 based on Dr. Grandin’s book, Emergence. If you’re interested in watching it, Temple Grandin is currently included with Amazon Prime. The acting is awkward in spots, but well worth your time to watch it. I think it really gets into the mind of what it’s like to live with autism, especially in the 1950s and 1960s—back when we had NO understanding of what autism was.

I wasn’t sure about the accuracy of the movie was until I found this TED Talk that also came out in 2010:

What a great video!

Even if you don’t have experience with autism, I think this TED Talk is inspirational. If you’d like MORE information, Dr. Grandin’s website is a treasure trove. She has a unique perspective—because she is also on the autistic spectrum—on animal behavior, parenting, and for life in general. For example, I experienced this in my own childhood: I had a difficult time with algebra and did better with geometry. As it turns out, this is quite common and she has some helpful suggestions if you have a child in high school with this same problem.

Thank you so much, Dr. Grandin, for sharing this information!

xo Juli


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