Productivity, Random Ramblings

Second Rule of Planning Goals: Do the Thing That You Least Want to Do #Productivity #Goals

I hate going to the gym. My gym shares a parking lot with McDonald's. Every time I go to my local gym, I can't help but notice that it's an equal distance from the parking lot to McDonald's cashier as it is to the elliptical machine at the gym. It's less effort to buy a… Continue reading Second Rule of Planning Goals: Do the Thing That You Least Want to Do #Productivity #Goals

Baby Steps, Fitness, Random Ramblings, Zazzle

One Month Down, a Lifetime to Go!

It's been a month since I joined a gym. A month ago, WALKING one mile was a challenge. Today...I'm at two + miles with some intermediate jogging. A month ago, squats were impossible. Today, I'm doing squats AND walking lunges. A month ago, I was using 5 lb weights while doing one arm rows, and… Continue reading One Month Down, a Lifetime to Go!